Afternoon in the Science Basement
24.9.2022 14:30 - 24.9.2022 15:45
Doctoral researchers sharing and discussing their work
Hei siellä!
Tiedekellari kutsuu tohtorikoulutettavia kertomaan ja keskustelemaan heidän töitä teidän kanssa (kieli on Englanti). Joka kuukausi kuulemme eri aiheista- avaruudesta, syövästä, muinaisesta Kreikasta, jne.
Bacteria is all around us, and there is an increasing understanding that not all bacterial are bad. However, many don’t know that bacteria may actually be a solution for global problems like world hunger. With a little bit of engineering, common organisms like bacteria and yeast can be “re-designed” to produce medicine or protect food crops. Two teams, Aboa and Aalto-Helsinki, will be representing Finland in the international Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition. Come support the teams, and find out how young Finnish researchers are planning to save the world.
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Hey there!
The Science Basement invites doctoral researchers to share and discuss their work with you (in English). Every month we have a different topic – space, cancer, ancient Greece, etc.
September’s topic is Bacteria. Bacteria is all around us, and there is an increasing understanding that not all bacterial are bad. However, many don’t know that bacteria may actually be a solution for global problems like world hunger. With a little bit of engineering, common organisms like bacteria and yeast can be “re-designed” to produce medicine or protect food crops. Two teams, Aboa and Aalto-Helsinki, will be representing Finland in the international Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition. Come support the teams, and find out how young Finnish researchers are planning to save the world.